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Sorry folks, maybe I will come back later and add my usual humour and wit… but for now…

one hangry woman having nothing more than a pity party…

hopefully will resume to our normal programming shortly…


Rant / pity party / long moping whinge ahead…
Feel free to scroll by and carry on with your daily activity…

But for those of you up for today’s tale of woe…
Let’s start with the backstory of this week to set the mood for just how volatile I am today….
Wednesday – forked out the dosh to go see a new urologist to have confirmed what I indeed feared… rocky lives on. Yes, after four general anaesthetics, the torture of stents and reassurances by my last numpty of a urologist…. rocky is still living large at 1cm and is well and truly along for the ride… effectively this means at any moment should he decide to fly the coop I could go back into sepsis and endure the hell of 2016 all over again… BUT seeing as I have had so many general anaesthetics in such a short space of time they are reluctant to go in for another while yet to do anything about my resident stone… give my body time to “recover” and all that Jazz… to make matters worse… if the next attempt doesn’t work, then we are looking at cutting a hole in my back to then hack through the kidney and forcibly remove rocky once and for all… on top of that, my colitis is back in full active swing, has been for some time, so I am zombie-ing around on some pretty bad iron levels due to blood loss, but the game plan there involves a colonoscopy ( yay, butt camera!) this Friday to then present a case to the powers that Be to allow me to go on the hard core biological drugs, to be administered by I.V in hospital every 8 weeks to kill off my gut immune system once and for all in the hopes that I can live a semi normal life without fear of pooping my pants in public – yes, this disease does cause that… this is the voice of experience talking… of course, colonoscopies come complete with two day starvation torture… yesterday I was on the “white diet” only allowed white rice, white pasta, white bread and boiled chicken, which for the record is the most disgusting thing I have ever eaten and resulted In me spewing my guts up for an hour last night… and today we are down to the “liquid only” diet… so… jelly for dinner anyone?

Thus, a little emotionally drained and f-ing HANGRY I was then faced with having to endure Centrelink this afternoon..After five big moves in five years, due to following hubby’s career trajectory, making my career pretty much a thing of the past and not to mention I have popped out three children and developed to chronic illnesses in that time, we have landed in C-town for a while… which means ACT schooling cut off dates. Thus, While my miss z is soooooo ready for preschool she misses the cut off by two weeks and is subjected to another year of mummy care… thus, in my infinite wisdom, and acknowledging that she is sooo ready for more stimulation than I could provide, not to mention the importance of socialisation ( which we are learning she really needs now that her wing man is in school) not to mention recognising that I needed a mental reprieve, I used all my powers of persuasion to convince the budget master that we should enrol her in one day a week of care – yay! Winning!
…. until we got our first invoice…
See, I never expected to be entitled to the means based rebate, we live well enough, but was led to believe that all families can get the other government rebate to help offset the extortionate cost of childcare… thus, when my first invoice arrived rebate free, I went and asked the question. The day care had no answers, all the paperwork was filed correctly, go see Centrelink and find out what’s the story…

So imagine now, hangry, stressed laurie, with three disgruntled tired children survive the twenty minute wait ( not a bad wait time by Centrelink standards) to be told outright, nope, you are not eligible for the rebate because you don’t work. What if we enrol z under hubby’s name and his Centrelink number? Nope, they will look at me as the determining factor. To be eligible for CCR I would need to work a minimum 15 hours a week. Not much, except that z is only in care 6 hours a week, I have the little one at home full time, hubs is out of the house 12 hours day and often works weekends and goes away, I have a chronic illness that causes me to poop my pants without warning, not to mention the weekly dr and pathology appointments… yup sure, I could put the chloconut in care too and return to work… except that paying two sets of daycare fees, even after rebate, is effectively paying more than I would earn.
So really…
Centrelink, and Aussie government. Your system is quite frankly F*$#ed!
Now, who wants to tell miss z that we have to pull her back out of school because we simply can’t afford it?

gah! Just gah!


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